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How we use your donations!

Our thanks for all donations

How we use your donations?

​IWPCSG can be trusted to use your donations to meet our aims and objectives of supporting men and their families who have prostate cancer, raising awareness and educating people about the dangers of prostate cancer.

The slideshow below highlights our main items of expenditure and the benefits derived from these. Hover your mouse over the show to stop a slide and then click to continue.  Please watch the show! 



PSA Testing events

To raise awareness of prostate cancer and the importance of early detection, we arrange PSA testing events.  At these events, Isle of Wight men can book an appointment for a simple blood test which will inform them of the health of their prostate.  The size and frequency of events vary but this year, 2021, we have arranged 4 events and hope to enable the testing of around 1000 men. We are helped to control the costs by many partners but each test still costs around £14. However, in these days of COVID-19 and PPE requirements for phleboomists, volunteers and customers, the cost projected is £16 per test.  Overall we expect each testing day to cost £4,000, a total spend in 2021 of £16,000.

April21 Newsletter.jpg
Blood Test

Thanks from IWPCSG


We are extremely grateful for all of your donations, no matter how large or small.  All of our trustees and volunteers give their freely to help in the fight against prostate cancer. 

Our donations come from many sources.  They vary from large groups and organisations to individuals and their families.  The donations vary but include:

  • thousands of pounds from our partner organisations to help us run PSA testing events  

  • men who have had a PSA blood test at one of our events and have been kind enough to donate the cost of the test to our funds

  • small children who give their pocket money to support a father, uncle, grandfather or great grandfather by buying a "Prostate Cancer Man" badge.


For online donations go to                                       


If you prefer to use online banking, please send us an email using the button below and we will provide you with our bank details.  Otherwise speak to us at one of our events.


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